Welcome to church
Church is a family of people with the same belief in Jesus, gathering regularly in one place at one time to worship God, grow in faith, serve each other, have a meal together - all with a spirit of love and joy. Our church is for every person no matter what age or stage your in.
The author of life became one of His creations, He spent 3 years walking the earth revealing the Heart of His Father in Heaven by healing the sick, forgiving sin and casting out demons. Jesus loved us so much that He chose to be crucified to pay the price for our sin. He chose to become marred, bruised and battered beyond description – more than any of the sons of man. So badly beaten that he became unrecognisable. So why did He do that? Why did the beating have to be so bad and the death have to be so brutal? Because after sin got done with us, we did not look anything like we were created to be. So He took on that identity so we could get back to our original value. Thats intimate and powerful, that is why we don’t ever have to doubt that he loves us, no matter what anyone says or what happens in life. He loves us, He loves you, And He paid the ultimate price for you.
There is a parallel to everything Jesus did on the cross:
- He died so that you would live
- The father turned away from Him for a moment so He could behold you forever
- He was beaten so you would be unbeatable
- He was bound so you would be free
- Jesus died so that you could be free.
So how do you become free? You simply make a decision. A decision to believe that He is who He says He is, a decision to follow Him and to turn away from your sin, to choose the new life He died to give you and to follow Him into life and joy and peace. If you want to make this decision, say this prayer and mean it from your heart:
Dear Jesus, I’m praying this prayer because I know that I have done wrong by living without you. I am sorry, please forgive me for my sins. I accept your love and grace for me and ask that you would be my Lord. Help me believe in you and love you every day, and help me to show the world what you are like and how great your love is.
In Jesus Name, Amen.
If you prayed this prayer or if you have questions about this all or if you need or desire support in this new life, we would love to come along side you, teach you, guide you and help you get connected to God and to other people that have made the same decision as you have. Simply fill in this form below and we’ll get in touch with you.
Connect Groups
Connect groups are a great way to make a large church feel like a close family. We have connect groups for you no matter what age you are or what stage you're at in life. Connect Groups do life in small gatherings of 10-15 people—to hang out, get encouraged, share and pray for one another. Gatherings happen every fortnight.
Water Baptisms
We are so happy that you want to be water baptised! Let us below your details and a member of our team will be in touch with you.

We believe in a God who can do a miracle in your life.Let us know if there is anything you would like prayer for, or if there's a story of God's goodness that you would like to share with us. Let us pray with you in faith that God will move in your situation. If you are comfortable leave your details, so we can follow up & continue praying with you.
If you are someone in our church who needs help or can help others during this time - be in contact with us.
Join a Dream Team
At Futures there's a place for everyone to belong and a place to serve!
Join one of our Dream Teams to start outworking your God-given gifts.
These Dream Teams include Creative (worship, production, music, singing), Hospitality, Kids, Media (video editing, photography, social), Hosting, Cleaning, Prayer, Welcome Desk, Security, Gardening and so much more...