Everyone has a place in Church
No matter what age or stage of life you are, there is a place for you to belong, grow and contribute.
Ages 1 to Grade 6
Here at Futures Church we want to provide a fun-filled, safe environment where kids can build relationships with each other and God.
Every program has elements of praise and worship, teaching, stories, crafts, games, and loads of fun. There are programs for children from the time they start walking through to grade 6 at school.
We love assisting families in building the faith of their precious children!

Ages 18-29
Young Adults is specifically for people aged 18-29. We have fantastic Young Adult gatherings that run once a month on Wednesday Nights. Our gatherings are always different, ranging from outdoor movies, to cafe takeovers, to beach nights and services in surprising locations. Our aim is to break the stereotype of church for our millennial generation, and provide opportunities for young adults to build relationship with each other and grow in God in a real way.
Late 20s to 40s
The Collective is the Adult ministry of Influencers Church. It is for anyone who wants to connect and do life together.
It is for those no longer in Young Adults but not in Young Families. So if you are in your late 20s, 30s or 40s, then The Collective is for you!
Parenting can be a fun, crazy, exciting, rand a rollercoaster of emotions. As a church we love to do family life together and provide opportunities to connect with other families.
We also run mums groups, playgroups and courses throughout the year to help equip you with the tools you need to be the best parent you can be!
If you'd like to stay up to date with Families events available throughout the year, send us your contact details and we'll keep you in the loop with what's coming up.
Our desire is to equip women from all walks of life and encourage them in their relationship with God. We provide a variety of connect groups to help women connect and expand their friendship circles while providing the opportunity to increase involvement in church and growth in God.
Throughout the year, we also provide combined events such as Morning Tea’s with special guest speakers once a term, our popular ‘Giant Clothes Exchange’, Pink Ribbon fundraisers and ‘bU’ our annual fashion show.
We want to encourage Men of every generation to grow in their relationship with God. As we come together over many breakfasts, worship evenings and camp nights, we will learn, grow, support and encourage each other.
We honour and value the contribution of the older generations of Influencers Church; for their support, wisdom and creating a sense of family for the younger generations.